mercredi 10 août 2011

German shepherd

The history and origins of German shepherd / German shepherd was first propagated by Capt. Max Von Stephanitz who once dubbed as the leader and “father” of breeds Shepherd Germany. He is a man who has long admired the quality of various dog shepherd, especially in terms of intelligence, strength and ability to work. In the Year 1899, with a friend he was visiting a dog show. On the ground he was captivated by a dog that gives a very deep impression, both about courage, steadiness in character and intelligence. From the results of his visit then bought and brought the dog, after the establishment of an association named Verein Fur Duitsche Shaferhunde or abbreviated as “SV”. German Shepherd is a working dog. German Shepherd dog is the most widely known and loved people around the world. These dogs come from Germany. In World War I in 1914, breeds of dogs are doing their part well as a guard dog. many of the Germans using German Shepherd as part of the military into battle.

  • Appearance
German Shepherd has a unique color pattern, with black and brown dominant throughout his body. German Shepherd sized, rather long, strong, dry and muscular, with strong bones that looks compact. German Shepherd has beautiful feathers and resemble or give the impression like wolves, so it seems manly and natural. German Shepherd who has all-round talent.
  • Temperament
German Shepherd dog that is smart and obedient. German Shepherd has a high intellectual acuity according to the demands of his profession as a shepherd, so the German Shepherd can be invited to play by their owners. German Shepherd has a strong fighting instinct and strong nerves. German Shepherd dog that has an all-round talent.
  • Grooming
German Shepherd does not need frequent bathing because the fur will be damaged. German Shepherd fur should be cleaned every day. German Shepherd prone to hip dysplasia.

Tips in a German Shepherd dog training
Indeed Trained animals is not easy and instant. We really need patience and some tips to get the Appropriate results. It is better if We train the dog as a child, Because at That time the dog is more playful and love to learn, like Humans,
Here are some tips That you Will find useful in your Efforts to train your German Shepherd.
  1. Make a schedule, and do regularly. One of the Biggest Mistakes Make owners is the fact That They do not consistently train Their German Shepherd. Dogs have a short memory span, particularly in the early years, and it is Important That you are there with regularity to instill discipline in your dog. Establish a regular schedule for yourself and stick to this schedule.
  2. Do not give up if your German Shepherd dog show inconsistencies. This is perfectly natural for all types of dogs, and They Will instinctively do this to test your limits.
  3. You must treat him with respect. But you also need to do Certain Things That you show is its master, and you can do this by disciplining your dog every time you hit obstacles.
  4. Never hit your German Shepherd dog in any way. Physical discipline did not answer Pls it comes to training German Shepherd. The best approach to verbal command a company That Gives off a different tonality than is usually your nature, Gently. German Shepherd is excited to vote, and They Will surely learn to Recognize differences in tone of voice and associate it with disapproval.
  5. Invite a German Shepherd dog to play with voice commands and movements, that is easy to Understand the dog, so dogs German Shepherd Will be Able to Understand every command and move us.
  6. German Shepherd introduce you to other dogs from an early age. It is Very Important to build good social habits of your dog. German Shepherd can isolated Become overly protective in the presence of other dogs and people.
Training German Shepherd pictures

German Shepherd combat exercise

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